Smallworld Environment

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Smallworld Environment




This section explains how to prepare a Smallworld environment for running the DTS Smallworld Connector.

Multiple approaches are possible, and others may be favored depending on the broader environment, but we'll go through the simplest one to better illustrate what's necessary.

For a more tailored solution, please contact support.


1.Smallworld Image


The image the connector will use needs to be open, with access to the desired datasets, and have all the necessary modules loaded for using the dataset objects.


2.Loading the Connector Product


The Smallworld connector product and module need to be loaded into the already open image.


3.Setting environment variables




4.Registering Functionality


Any procedures or methods that the connector should be aware of should now be registered, as well as their type dependencies.


5.Starting the Connector


The connector can now be started using this command:




6.Putting it together


To automate this process for normal use, steps 2-5 should be added to a script:


Finally, an alias should be created to open the image and run the script on startup:


Integrating with DTS


To allow DTS to control instances of this connector, the connector container must be set up to access this Smallworld Environment.