Routine Calls

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Routine Calls


The DTS Web Service Connector supports remote calls for any Web Methods exposed by a SOAP or REST service as long as they are correctly described in the specification document.


DTS Naming



For WSDL specifications, the <port_name> and <web_method_name> are extracted directly from the specification document as the name attributes of the portType nodes and the name attributes of the operation nodes respectively.

For OpenAPI/Swagger and WADL specifications, method and port (actually the client class in this case) naming is left to the respective generator tools (openapi-generator, wadl2java), which use tags, operation types and operation ids to generate the names.


Requests and Responses


The Web Service Connector, via its Apache CXF core, will make requests and expect responses for Web Method Calls in the document formats that the specification file calls for.

Any combination of REST and SOAP on one hand and application/xml and application/json on the other are supported by the engine, with the FasterXML/jackson library being used for (de)serialization.


Information-icon_16px Further reading

OpenAPI v3 Specification

OpenAPI v2 (Swagger) Specification

WADL Specification

WSDL Specification

Apache CXF