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Aggregation is the feature that allows DTS to seamlessly unify resources from disparate data sources based on predefined relationships and present them for consumption via Streams.


The configuration unit (project artifact) for Aggregation is called an Aggregate (stored in the AGGREGATE collection). Multiple Aggregates can be defined for any DTS project using the Aggregates Page in the Web UI.

The DTS component responsible for resolving aggregate data requests is called an Aggregator.


Aggregate Elements


Each well-defined Aggregate must contain the following elements:

Each source has a list of Attributes (items which can be included in the Aggregate result) and Query Parameters (items which can be used to create relationship queries targeting the respective source).

Information-icon_16px Sources can be Collections or Routines.

Collection have their fields serve as both Attributes and Query Parameters.

Routines have their inputs (arguments) serve as Query Parameters and their outputs (results) serve as Attributes.


Information-icon_16px Each source (main or secondary) can also have a fundamental filter defined, which will restrict results from that source to the ones that match the filter.


Information-icon_16px The list of Attributes from each source that will be included in the aggregation process is fully customizable, as are the names with which the respective attributes will be tagged in the resulting records.


exclamation_mark_16px It falls to the user to ensure that no two Attributes across an Aggregate have the same name. The name customization feature mentioned above must be used when duplicate Attribute names are present.



Rules and Limitations


The following set of rules governs how aggregates function and it is not expected to change:

Only Sources that have been included in the project are available for use in Aggregates. For Collection Sources, only the fields that are included in the project will be available for use in Aggregates.

Each Secondary Source must have at least one relationship. Secondary Sources without relationships are ignored.

Only the Attributes from a parent source that have been included in the Aggregate are available for relationships with child sources.

All Query Parameters from a child source can be used in its relationships, regardless of their inclusion status in the aggregate.

Circular references cannot be created using Aggregate Relationships.


The following set of limitations exists for the current version, but is subject to possible changes in future releases:

The Main Source of an Aggregate must be a Collection.

Secondary Sources cannot be Routines that return Streams.

Only the Main Source's Query Parameters can be used to make queries on the Aggregate.

All relationships are treated like "Outer Joins". If no results are found in a particular source for a particular query, the resulting aggregate record will still be delivered, but with the values for that source's attributes missing.

If more than one result is generated by a particular relationship query, only the first record is used.




Let's now look at an example Aggregate definition and see how it functions and what it outputs.

We'll assume we have a project with the following Sources included:

A connector named ORACLE, with a CUSTOMERS table and a F_WEATHER_ZONE function;

A connector named WEATHER_SERVICE with a AVERAGE_WEATHER function;

A connector named MSSQL with two tables called METER_READS and METER_SPECS;

We'll also assume that all of the fields used in the Aggregate exist and have been included in the project.

Here is our Aggregate:


Let's do an inventory of the elements:





Main Source



Our main source. A table of customers for our service. It contains data about the customers, including their addresses and the ids for their meters.

Secondary Sources



A stored function that creates a webservice-friendly weather zone query based on an address.



A webservice operation that returns the average temperature in a zone, over a number of days.

We have a filter on it which serves to set a static value for the number of days parameter.



A table containing readings from meters.

Information-icon_16px We have not included the ID field since it will duplicate the METER_CUST_ID value. It also has a name coincidence with the field in the main source. If we would want to include it, we would have to set a custom name for the attribute.



A table containing specifications for meters.

Information-icon_16px We have not included the ID field since it will duplicate the METER_SPEC_ID value. It also has a name coincidence with the field in the main source. If we would want to include it, we would have to set a custom name for the attribute.



Routine Input

A relationship that feeds a customer's address into the function that determines the respective weather zone.


Routine Input

A relationship that feeds a weather zone into the web operation for the average temperature.


Foreign Key

A relationship modeling a Foreign Key for meter ids.


Foreign Key

A relationship modeling a Foreign Key for meter specification ids.


Queries and responses on the aggregate will work the same as with any DTS collection, for example, for a particular CUSTOMER.ID (=123456), we would get a record of the form:


 "ID": 123456,

 "NAME": "Smith, John",

 "ADDRESS": "1 Street Lane, Townsville, Countryland",

 "METER_CUST_ID": 654321,

 "WEATHER_ZONE": "townsville,co",

 "AVG_TEMP": 301.4,

 "METER_SN": 112233445566,

 "METER_SPEC_ID": "acme-4",

 "IDX_VAL": 9000.04,

 "TOLERANCE": 0.03



The record will contain only the attributes we have included in the aggregate, all brought together in a single record and extracted based on our relationships, filters and query.