Smallworld Client

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Smallworld Client


The DTS Smallworld Client is an implementation of the Java Client Library specific for the GE Smallworld environment.

It is tasked with the following responsibilities:

Provides access to all resources in a given project from the Smallworld Magik console, or via Magik code.

Encapsulates arguments and results of targeted routines within native Magik objects.

Provides Magik code methods to create, manage and consume data streams.

Uses native Magik objects as inputs and produces native Magik objects as outputs.

Translates complex objects to and from relevant Magik forms (e.g. pseudo_geometry for geometry).


The Smallworld Client is part of the Smallworld Connector fileset and must be deployed for use inside a Smallworld image (only swaf is required).


Information-icon_16px For more information on how to use the Smallworld Client, please see the dedicated section.