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The CONNECTOR_TYPE collection holds all connector type definitions for a DTS deployment. This is where the Type choices when adding a connector in the WebApp come from. Connector Types can be defined using the Connector Types dialog or by directly interacting with documents in the collection.



 "category" : "",

 "variety" : "",

 "type" : "",

 "imageName" : "",

 "bladeJar" : "",

 "build" : "",

 "requiredJars" : [],

 "environment" : {},

 "volumes" : {},

 "parameters" : []







The category of the connector type, also the type of data source. Must be one of the supported data source types.

e.g.: "Oracle"

The category is used to identify base connection parameters and to find specific connector implementation libraries.


The name of the variation of category, if any.

e.g.: "PDB"



The name of the connector type as it will appear in the WebApp.

e.g.: "Oracle:PDB"

Convention is to use category:variety


The name of the Docker image to use as a base for producers of this connector type.

e.g.: "registry/dts-producer-2021.1"

Should be the tag by which the image is known in the Docker engine.


The path of the main jar for this this connector type's implementation library (blade) relative to the blades directory

e.g.: "Oracle/dts-blade-oracle-2021.1.jar"

If the blade is contained in the Docker image, this is omitted (e.g. the Smallworld connector types).


A list of all the jars that bladeJar requires as paths relative to the blades directory.

e.g.: ["Oracle/dts-blade-oracle-2021.1.jar",  "Oracle/ojdbc8-",  "Oracle/orai18n-", "Oracle/jdbc"]



A map of environment variables to pass into the producer's Docker container as key-value pairs.

e.g: {"DTS_DEBUG_LOGGING" : "true", "SOMETHING_ELSE" : "1234"}



A map of volumes between the Docker host and the producer container as key-value pairs where the key is the host directory and the value is the container directory.

e.g.: {"/dts/stuff" : "/usr/local/stuff"}

exclamation_mark_16px Mongo does not accept the period (.) character as a map key and it cannot be escaped. As such, DTS does not support mapping directories whose path on the Docker host contains a period (.) character.


Information-icon_16px The category, imageName, bladeJar, requiredJars, environment and volumes attributes are directly inherited from the referenced CONNECTOR_CATEGORY.


Information-icon_16px The blades directory in a producer container is by default /usr/local/blades, but can be customized by setting the DTS_BLADES_PATH environment variable.